On the main menu, choose Code | Comment with Block Comment.To add or remove a block comment, do one of the following: How do I comment multiple lines in a feature file in Intellij? The default shortcuts are Ctrl+K,C to comment and Ctrl+K,U to uncomment. īesides, how do I comment feature in Intellij?ĩ.2) you can simply select the lines and toggle them into comments and back. IntelliJ IDEA is developed by JetBrains and works under Windows, macOS, Linux. Place the caret within a class, method, function, or a field, and press Ctrl+Shift+A. IntelliJ IDEA is a Java integrated development environment for developing computer software.Keep in mind, because Android Studio is based on IntelliJ IDEA, you can find additional shortcuts in the IntelliJ IDEA keymap reference documentation. Table 1 shows the default keyboard shortcuts by operating system. It doesn't have a default shortcut, but you can assign the Alt + Shift + J shortcut to it in the Keymap, because this shortcut isn't used for anything else.Īlso Know, how do I add method level comments in Intellij? Android Studio includes keyboard shortcuts for many common actions. You can use the action 'Fix doc comment'. One solution is to change language using CtrlL + ShiftL and use CtrlR + ShiftR for Intellij. Typing /** + then pressing Enter above a method signature will create Javadoc stubs for you. My system langauge is chaged by Ctrl + Shift what blocks Intellij hotkeys like Ctrl + Shift + F (Global search) and Ctrl + Shift + C (Comment). Similarly, it is asked, how do I write Javadoc comments in Intellij?ģ Answers.
#Intellij comment shortcut for mac#
8 day ago Commenting out each line of selected code for Mac users without numpad would have to add a.
CTRL + Shift + / => To comment/uncomment block of code. IntelliJ shortcut to comment line - Stack Overflow.CTRL + / => To comment/uncomment a line.